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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

entry arrow6:36 PM | Gene Hackman, 1930-2025

What a way to go, a mysterious death. It feels very dramatic, if sadly so. Gene Hackman will always be embedded in my young memory as a bumbling villain in Superman, my introduction to him. I have since loved, and have come to respect, the work he did in more iconic films such as The French Connection and Unforgiven and Bonnie and Clyde and The Conversation and The Birdcage, but I actually loved him the most in a disaster movie, The Poseidon Adventure. Like his character in that movie, he always looked like somebody who knew his way through life [or disaster], and stuck to it. That stance is to stan for. His retirement from film was met with much dismay, and we never got to see another film with him with this mysterious death. Rest in peace, Mr. Hackman.

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