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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Can I be mean for a while? For a while lang...

Anyway, here's this article from the BBC [via bookslut] about the outrage over Pakistan's staging of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues. From the article:

Eve Ensler, the writer of the monologues, stressed that Pakistan's reaction was similar to the one the show had received around the world.

Ensler says the show receives the same reaction around the world. "It doesn't matter what city, what country I've gone to, there's been incredible outrage. And then what happens is that suddenly people realised how great it is to be talking about vaginas.

"But there's always that initial panic, and terror, and desire to shut things down when the word is mentioned anywhere."

Ensler added that fear of the vagina was universal, and something she hoped her monologues would continue to open people's eyes to.

Which is sooo true. When we first staged TVM in Silliman University two years ago, we encountered so much resistance. Some even called us pornographers! The venerable Evelyn Aldecoa, for example, lambasted us with so much moralistic fury, and rumor was that she went to the opening of TVM in the Luce Auditorium, posted herself backstage to tape-record the whole thing, hoping probably to catch something "pornographic" and blackmail us. Ngek.

Maybe she's angry because she can't find her vagina. All that fat....

[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich