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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Sunday, January 25, 2004

Food for thought, an aside from a movie article in the New York Times...

"... One of the hottest tickets [in the 2004 Sundance Film Festival] has been Super Size Me, the McDonald's Corporation's worst nightmare. It's a [documentary] film by Morgan Spurlock about his decision to eat nothing but McDonald's food for one month to see what effect it would have on his body.

Both he and his doctors were amazed to find that after just 20 days, the 33-year-old Mr. Spurlock, who started in supreme physical condition, was almost in liver failure. They encouraged him to abandon the diet, but he continued through the month, gaining a total of 25 pounds and finding himself depressed and listless.

While on the McDiet, Mr. Spurlock said in an interview, he felt 'horrible': 'Physically, emotionally. I was ashen, pale, my energy level was low. Then I'd eat the food, I'd feel great, and an hour later I'd feel hungry again.'

He said he believed that McDonald's loads its food with so much fat, salt, sugar and caffeine that it becomes addictive. The doctors who monitored his progress are now writing a medical paper about the effects of the all-McDonald's diet on his body. In the film McDonald's declined to comment.

'My case was extreme,' he admitted. 'But some people eat at McDonald's three and four times a week.'"

I wonder what's new in Jollibee....

[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich