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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

entry arrow8:35 AM | Date Blindness

Today, a confessional I’d like to share for National Mental Health Week. You know what I hate the most about ADHD? It’s actually not the executive dysfunction [because I mostly solve that through doubling], it’s the weird mental anomaly we call “date blindness.” I have always had this, but I always thought it was just me being lazy about dates. Like, my ears hear “August,” but my brain makes my hand write down “December.” When I used to make posters for the CAC, I took painstaking care of the playdates I’d put in, recognizing this was always something I’d do, but often I’d still get it wrong and Leo Mamicpic would be the one to gently remind me: “Ian, the show is on February 11. You put in March 24.” Like, that totally happens, all the time. Like I know Silliman was founded in 1901, but I’d still put in “1902.” I really had no idea why and I used to berate myself a lot about it. Until I got diagnosed, and learned about date blindness. Fun, fun, fun! Today is Wednesday, right?

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