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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Wednesday, February 05, 2025

entry arrow9:30 PM | The Duende of Lost Things

We were finally convinced today that some mischievous duende has been playing tricks on us. In the span of two weeks, we’ve been losing things: Renz his watch (twice), and then his notebook; Tita Melisa with her power bank; and me with my wallet, my coin purse, and my PWD card — but in my case, all thankfully recovered. And I’ve been really mindful of my things actually. Tonight, for example, before heading out to dinner after a full day of meetings, we were laughing about me misplacing my wallet, and I was waving it around before I placed it in its usual spot in my bag. Then we went to the ATM to withdraw some money, and when I tried to retrieve my wallet, it was gone — only to be found in a totally different pocket of my bag. Like, what the hey? Duende, be gone!


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