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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2025

entry arrow10:00 PM | An 11-Year Belated Inuman

Eleven years ago, before Bing Vee and Karl Villarmea became parents, we had our usual get-together at Hayahay, to do our usual pahungaw about life and work, but we could not finish this flat of Tanduay when it was time to go home. [It was an extra bottle that Karl brought.] We promised each other we would finish it soon. That never happened. What happened was life itself. And kids. These two had kids. And so I kept this Tanduay in my refrigerator for all those eleven years, waiting for our next inuman to happen. [So yes, this Tanduay is older than their children!] That inuman finally happened tonight. I was reeling from the gravity of the UNESCO application, and I said: “I need my old friends with me, I need to drink! Maygani these two made time, kay busy baya mi. Og kay tigulang na pud mi, we scheduled our Tandy inuman in the late afternoon [5 PM!] at the posh Esturya. And I am so proud nga nahurot namong tulo ang usa ka flat! Hahaha.

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