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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Friday, October 31, 2003

Yeessh. I'm reading chick lit....

My favorite excerpt from Tara's new book, Almost Married:

You get home to your apartment and find that your whole living area is covered with colorful blooms—gardenias, zinnias, daisies. Suddenly Bert bursts from the field of flowers, naked and yelling happily, “I SAID I’M SORRY!!!”

Pause. Shove your immediate thought balloon (Who’s going to clean up this out of your head and try to appreciate the act of sweetness.

Then smile brightly, albeit belatedly, because you’ve got yourself a great guy who went through all the trouble of doing something cliché simply because he’s not aware that petals on the floor leading into the bedroom is such a Maricel Soriano-Edu Manzano moment, at the height of their short-lived love affair (don’t bother telling him this unless you’re prepared to hear, “They got together? When?”)

Then self-destruct into uncontrollable weeping. If Bert ever cheated on you, you might die, or worse, turn psycho Janice-style and plan his wedding to someone else without his knowing it. Cry until your shoulders shake, but lest Bert think you find his naked glory disgusting, try to smile through the tears. Nod a little to let him know that yes, you appreciate the sweet gesture. Cry some more because now that you’ve got it going, you might as well purge yourself and find great relief in shedding tears. Cry harder still when you realize Bert is looking at you funny, as though you’ve gone mad, when in fact it’s him who’s standing amid a sea of flowers with his balls and penis hanging out there in the open. Then cry some more because somehow, you can hear yourself laughing.

Interesting Pinoy chick lit, courtesy of Summit Books. The brown Bridget Jones! Wohoo!

[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich