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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Sunday, February 08, 2004

What the....?!

Mood: Funny

Listening to: Janet Jackson's "Again"

So this is the latest in the crazy, very surreal public fall-out of Janet Jackson's Boob Scandal. From Rolling Stone Magazine:

... A Tennessee woman has filed suit against the pair [Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake] as well as halftime show producer MTV, broadcaster CBS and parent company Viacom. Knoxville native Terri Carlin filed a proposed class action lawsuit in a U.S. District Court on Wednesday, charging the accused with causing her and "millions of others" to "suffer outrage, anger, embarrassment and serious injury." The suit reportedly seeks billions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages....

Geez. And I thought that the Philippines, with the coming elections, is a crazy circus.

This is what happens in a country that has slowly become a Nation of Righteous Pricks, with George W. Bush as moronic President, of course. To refresh everybody's memory of what happened (as if anybody needed to be reminded!), this is the original footage....

And here's an innocent Muppet treat for all of you righteous morons out there:

Get a load of that, Miss Piggy!

I mean, come on. American television has never been exactly Puritan of late. I find the whole brouhaha in America smacking of the hypocritical, really just a new version of patriarchy's old tradition of demonizing the female body. (Which is why I am co-directing our college campaign of The Vagina Monologues this year...) "Ian," you can say, "there were children watching!" Well, so what? Maybe it's time kids learn that hypocrisy is something one learns. And it's not as if Super Bowl Sunday is a religious event. (I take that back: football IS the American religion.) And it's not as if the game is innocent by itself -- all that not-so-subtle, implied man-on-man violence....

Seriously, what's so evil, so outrageous, or embarrassing, or injurious about the female mammary gland, for Christ's sake? We all sucked on it one time in our lives, remember? But I bet Terri Carlin gets "seriously injured" and "embarassed" every time she gets to see her naked body in the mirror. "Oh my God! A breast! Two breasts! On me! Quick, get me a lawsuit against God for creating me like this! I'm suffering outrage, anger, embarrassment, and serious injury already!"

I like Assorted Weirdness's take on this one:

Outrage? No, I wasn't outraged because Justin Timberlake ripped her bra cup off. I thought it was a stupid thing to do on live television, but I wasn't outraged...

Embarrassment? The only embarrassment I suffer from is right now is that I'm really embarrassed and ashamed to admit I'm an American because of uptight fuckwits like Terri Carlin. We're not all like her, or Michael Powell, or the uptight conservatives in Congress who are screaming for an investigation. I think they want the investigation just so they can rewind and replay over and over again that shot of a naked booby. We're not all like these people. Unfortunately for the rest of us, these are the people that scream the loudest about this sort of thing and the media leeches onto them and replays it ad nauseum so the rest of the world thinks we're all that uptight.

So there. Enough already.

[link and pictures courtesy of goluboy]

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