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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Friday, June 25, 2004

entry arrow6:02 PM | Final Advise to the Goodbye Girl

Don't burn too many bridges, dear ______. Somewhere along the way, you might get trapped in a small island, alone. There won't be any chances to get back. Accept the fatality of your haphazard goodbyes.

Don't make too many friends either. Don't set anyone's hopes up in considering you a possible friend. Tell them, to their face, meeting them for the first time, that they will just be "phases" for you. Something disposable, like tissue paper.

Tell them to forget "trust." With you, there must only be cold distance -- the safe distance devoid of any possible "hurt." Hurt, after all, is much too human. It is, for you, a flaw.

Erase love, or care, from your vocabulary. Don't speak of connections anymore. You have no right.

And don't bother getting near anyone at all and telling them, "I like you, can we be friends?" -- the way you did with me once upon a college day. Now I know it was only empty invitation, something you can easily discard.

Finally, don't look back.

Never ever look back.

Just go.

[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich