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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

entry arrow2:41 AM | Favorite Songs No. 10 : Missing

I hated this song (particularly the Todd Terry remix) by Everything But the Girl the first time it came out. Hated, hated it, because I did not understand its tune, or what it was all about. (That was when techno and house were still making their presence felt in our lives.) We were in college, and I was still in a confused haze about what I really wanted, or what I liked. But there was Ana. Ahh, Ana. Ana B. Ana Maria Borja. She owned the CD player in Gallogo, and she took command of the music selection whenever the barkada was around (which was always) and we all went about preparing food for our constant meal times. (I bought the Coke. The rest cooked.) She had this Everything But the Girl CD, and every effing morning, she played it. And played it. And I got used to the tune. And couldn't get the song out of my head. Until now, it's still there. The Last Song Syndrome in Eternal Rewind. But I'm not complaining anymore.

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