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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Monday, October 05, 2020

entry arrow9:00 AM | The Discomfort of Being Teacher

The year has been very dark and unexpected in its tumult, but also ironically generous with its apportioning of much-needed reckoning and hindsight. I cannot allow myself to celebrate today with full heartedness. In my estimation, I have been both a success and also a failure as a teacher, and the sum that comes out of that is an average fool only trying to make sense of his day and what must be done, trying to do his best, sometimes failing to do so, and often heartened by the discovery that I have done something worthwhile in my teaching to someone. It is not easy being a teacher. I have many students who appreciate what I do, but also just as many who call me a “terror teacher” who demand too much for a minor subject. [Sometimes that gets to me, and I ask, what for all these?] But I am proud of the students who took that as a challenge, and also bothered that for many others I do not—cannot—do enough. It’s World Teachers’ Day, and I can only wish I live up to what is celebrated. I never feel I do.

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