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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

entry arrow10:52 AM | Just Be Considerate

I’m reading a friend’s COVID narrative they just sent me. [Thank God, they’re fine now.] They got it unknowingly from a friend they trusted who knew she had contact with someone infected but didn’t tell anyone. People in Dumaguete, please, just isolate. Or if you can’t, please wear mask. (Double mask if you can!) You cannot let your guard down even with friends and family. This is my constant fear: that I’d be an asymptomatic carrier without knowing it. I had COVID in December, and it was one the worst experiences of my life — and I think led to my final mental health reckoning beginning in 2021. (That’s the silver lining, I guess?)

It just got me thinking: the way you can show your best love for your friends right now is NOT to see them. A friend cancelled our BBQ get-together last month, and she just told me it was because she felt it shouldn’t happen in the middle of a pandemic. That’s love!

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