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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

entry arrow3:49 PM | The Privilege of Psychotherapy

Just got back from Mercury, and its mental health journey time! Truth to tell, I think one of the reasons why it took me a long time to go to therapy was that I knew it was going to be financially demanding. Psychotherapy remains a privilege, sad to say. There’s the counselling itself, and then the medicine — I take one for my ADHD, one for my depression, and an occasional one for my anxiety — and they are not exactly cheap. [Nor are they over-the-counter medications!] And the ultimate letdown: this is not covered by my health insurance! Apparently, if I got my sources right, the first mental health act legislation in the Philippines was only officially signed into law and was enacted as the Republic Act No. 11036 on 21 June 2018 — but its provisions [like inclusion in medical insurance?] has yet to kick in? [Enlighten me if I’m wrong.] Truth to tell, I finally did this for me sometime in May this year because it was either this, or I die or wither away. I reached a fatalistic point when asking for help could no longer be denied, and I'm glad I did. Many people have been very helpful in this journey — although many others were or remain ... “whatever.” [I don’t care, but I know you and I will not forget.] I’m bent on winning this battle, because I know I still have a lot to contribute to the world, and there are people who love me [although I might doubt that once in a while in my lowest point]. Seek help, if you can. This has been an unprecedented scourge within the pandemic itself, and if you feel you need help, please seek it out because people do care.

ADDENDUM: Somebody just messaged me that I could apply for a PWD card, and get discounts! I didn’t even know!

ADDENDUM #2: Ever since I
ve gone public with my mental health journey, so many of my friends—who I didn’t know were going through similar struggles—have also opened up to me, sharing important information, becoming a community actually. It helps to know I’m not alone.

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