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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Thursday, October 12, 2023

entry arrow11:38 AM | Honors Day

"Back to the Future." That’s the title of my speech for the SUHS Honors Day yesterday at the Luce. It’s my take on the Silliman University Founders Day theme, “Embracing the Future as God's Gift” — and the more I thought about it, the more I thought about Jacqueline Piñero Torres, our valedictorian and one of my high school best friends who was taken from us too early. [You’re dearly missed, Jacq.] “Every day we get to live and fulfill our potential, that’s a gift,” was the one thing that resonated in my mind when I was writing my speech. So I dedicated the speech to her and to the rest of Class 1993, which was why I was wearing the class letter jacket, which we were given in our 30th Class Reunion only last August. Thank you, Silliman University Junior High, and Principal Kristine Busmion, and Ma’am Jane Guevarra [my high school music teacher] for inviting me and making sure to take care of what I needed. Thank you, Gina Fontejon Bonior and Earl Jude Cleope for the faith. Thank you, Myla June Patron for the kind introduction. Thank you, Carlo Futalan for the photos and the video!

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