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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

entry arrow10:43 AM | What Relaxes

I have been tagged by Jimmy who lives in the limbo of secret blogs. The question: what relaxes me?

The physical. A foot tickle: this brings me to instant heaven, approximating the best of sexual adventures. Brewed coffee. A good massage: done right with the softest of hands, this makes me float. A rigorous work out: the feel of sweat and the adrenaline rush give a certain lightness to how I think. An unexpectedly wild orgasm: this does not need further explaining. A thirty-minute nap: glorious, glorious siesta. The Spanish have it right. A prolonged, soulful kiss: that breathing in of pheromones and the taste of somebody's luscious lips... Hot black tea on a slow afternoon: just the right amount of caffeine to pass the day away. Pinot noir swirling and tangoing with my tongue. Dancing the night away. A long hug from Bubu.

The mental. Putting the last period on a story. A good collection of short stories. Calvin and Hobbes. A novel that meanders beautifully. Something by Milan Kundera, Susan Sontag, David Lodge, and David Leavitt. Barber's Adagio for strings, Op. 11. A good children's book. Pachelbel's Canon. Puccini. The stories of Kit Kwe, Chari Lucero, Susan Lara, Maria LM Fres-Felix, and Vicente Groyon III. Bolipata. 80's Madonna on mad days. A good coffee book. A design challenge in Adobe Pagemaker and Photoshop. Poems by Naya Valdellon. Reruns of Sex and the City. A good laugh. Spongebob Squarepants. Drawing.

The spiritual. Like James's, praying. Friends. Candles. Lamplight. An intelligent feel-good movie like Under the Tuscan Sun. Stargazing. Francois. Meditating in the early morning before the rat race of the day. Waking up before the birds do. A painting by Jutsze Pamate. Siquijor in the summer. Casaroro Falls. Spying on dolphins off Bais. A cock crowing in some quiet countryside. The feel of the wind against my face. The music of the surf on the beach. Listening to angels singing in a darkened auditorium. Sunday lunches with Mother. A day on the beach with my older brothers.

I'm tagging the following people: Dinah Baseleres, Ted Regencia, Kokak Levis, Veronica Montes, Naya Valdellon, Ginny Mata, Resty Odon, Gelo Suarez, Wanggo Gallaga, Dean Alfar, Gabby Lee, and Bubu. Because I really want to know what makes you tick. Go, guys.

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