This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.
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The Great Little Hunter
Pinspired Philippines, 2022

The Boy The Girl
The Rat The Rabbit
and the Last Magic Days
Chapbook, 2018

Republic of Carnage:
Three Horror Stories
For the Way We Live Now
Chapbook, 2018

Bamboo Girls:
Stories and Poems
From a Forgotten Life
Ateneo de Naga University Press, 2018

Don't Tell Anyone:
Literary Smut
With Shakira Andrea Sison
Pride Press / Anvil Publishing, 2017

Cupful of Anger,
Bottle Full of Smoke:
The Stories of
Jose V. Montebon Jr.
Silliman Writers Series, 2017

First Sight of Snow
and Other Stories
Encounters Chapbook Series
Et Al Books, 2014

Celebration: An Anthology to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Silliman University National Writers Workshop
Sands and Coral, 2011-2013
Silliman University, 2013

Handulantaw: Celebrating 50 Years of Culture and the Arts in Silliman
Tao Foundation and Silliman University Cultural Affairs Committee, 2013

Inday Goes About Her Day
Locsin Books, 2012

Beautiful Accidents: Stories
University of the Philippines Press, 2011

Heartbreak & Magic: Stories of Fantasy and Horror
Anvil, 2011

Old Movies and Other Stories
National Commission for Culture
and the Arts, 2006

FutureShock Prose: An Anthology of Young Writers and New Literatures
Sands and Coral, 2003
Nominated for Best Anthology
2004 National Book Awards
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
2:01 PM |
LitCritters Dumaguete No. 3
Today, I am in awe of my former students because, barely two sessions into LitCritters, they have somehow become virtual masters of stripping the stories we have been taking up into their barest essentials, and managing to distill what they believe is the theme of each story. They are so passionate in their arguments, too -- all I could do this morning in Chantilly was to stand back, prod them on, and watch them go at it, as they relentlessly bemoaned the subtle tragedy of Irwin Shaw's "The Girls in Their Summer Dresses," went deep under the powerful, dreadful climax in Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," and told me that despite my misgivings over its cruelty, there is something thematically worthwhile in Irene Sarmiento's "The Manananggal." I really cannot wait for our next session, when I introduce them to the children's story.
This week:How Rosang Taba Won a Race
by Dean Francis AlfarXilef
by Augie RiveraMenggay's Magical Chicken
by Nikki Go-AlfarAm I Blue?
by Bruce CovilleThe Dancers of Malumbay
by Raissa Claire RiveraThe Giving Tree
by Shel SilversteinLast week:The Girls in Their Summer Dresses
by Irwin ShawThe Secret Life of Walter Mitty
by James ThurberThe Lottery
by Shirley JacksonManananggal
by Irene SarmientoLast last week:A Rose for Emily
by William FaulknerThe Book of Sand
by Jorge Luis BorgesWe Won't Cry Over This
by Socorro VillanuevaLabels: LitCritters, writing
[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich