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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

entry arrow6:11 PM | Short Time at Room 180

Many, many months ago, I told Dean that his play, "Short Time" -- which won the Palanca back in 1991 -- would make for a good short film, and timely, too, considering the glut of independent movies with homosexual themes out there. He told me somebody's been trying for months now to adapt it for the screen -- but they keep losing the actors who all keep chickening out because of the demands of the roles, which include a lot of same sex friction. One former matinee idol displayed interest, but chickened out. Another very current matinee idol wanted to do it, but was advised to give up the role, or else all those gay rumors would be, umm, "confirmed."

But the film's finally out. Retitled Room 180, it has been adapted to the screen by the multi-talented Augie Rivera (best-known around town as a children's author) and directed by Rico Gutierrez. It stars Earl Ignacio, Andoy Ranay, and Francis Makil.

A screening is scheduled on May 26, 7PM at Mogwai Cafe (#62 & 63 Cubao Expo) near Ali Mall.

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