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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Wednesday, January 06, 2016

entry arrow7:17 AM | Food Roundup Dumaguete 2016: KRI

I am an accidental foodie: I used to write a food column for a local paper and have written extensively about the Dumaguete food scene for national magazines and newspapers -- until I decided to discontinue the enterprise about four years ago. Still, people I know who visit Dumaguete keep asking me about the best places to go to eat, and I've found I no longer quite know the scene. A lot can change in half a decade. So I've decided to try a new approach this year and go about sampling the local food culture once more and document everything online in the course of twelve months. The city has grown and expanded enough in the years since 2011, and a significant part of what's happening food-wise has become unfamiliar to me. Consider this a personal adventure.

I have already written extensively about KRI before, countless times -- but it pays being reminded why the place bills itself "a neighbourhood restaurant." Dumaguete comes to KRI, and it has done so very regularly since the place opened about six years ago: this is where people take their guests to, this is where people meet, this is where people have their fill of consistently good cuisine, and this is where people sometimes work over a cup of good coffee. (I know I do). I have written about KRI's food before, and so I shall not attempt to repeat myself. There will be only echoes: the food is still fantastic, and people from all over town have their own distinct favourites from the menu. Let me focus on one such favourite: the turkey burger. On the menu it is listed as the Turkey Thanksgiving Burger, a whimsical name with more than a hint of truth: there is no end to my thanksgiving that this thing exists. It's the epitome of understated deliciousness, and the meat itself -- perfectly set-off in its bun and bed of leafy greens -- is generous and subtly tantalising. They always present you the catsup as condiment, but I suggest requesting for the relish. The hint of spiciness adds an extra punch and texture to the taste. It is a perfect full meal. Turkey burger priced at P210. Currently having a staff shortage, so please be patient.  Placed my order at 1:10 PM. Order received at 1:30 PM.


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