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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Friday, November 27, 2020

entry arrow11:49 PM | A Good "Breakfast" for Friday Night

Some years ago, the poet Myrna Peña-Reyes made an astute observation about how spoiled Dumaguetnons are when it comes to the city’s vibrant art and culture scene: so many events happen within a given week that most people don’t even bother to go and support all these exhibits, concerts, screenings, stagings, gigs, readings, or lectures anymore. “They’ve become a dime a dozen,” she said.

Well, 2020 changed all that. The pandemic has starved us so thoroughly of live performances that when I heard there was going to be play staged tonight—but an invitational one that followed health protocols, in a well-ventilated venue, and with the most minimal number of audience members—I jumped at the chance to watch it. I’VE BEEN STARVED SINCE MARCH OF CULTURE. And what a wonderful time we had with the play!

Andy Alvarez starred as an elderly Polish grocery stocker with a painful past and Malka Shaver starred as a bored graphic designer with an unsure grasp of what she wants in Karen Schiff’s Breakfast with Willy, directed by Daisy Hannah Catacutan. It was just the right play to watch in these fraught times: a nice blend of comedy with something important to say about the horrors of war, immigration, identity, life choices, and breakfast cereal. I had a great time.

Thanks for the invite, Dessa Quesada-Palm!

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