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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Thursday, July 11, 2024

entry arrow11:46 PM | A Thursday

I’m currently on the hunt for photos and bios of previous honorees of the Outstanding Dumagueteño Awards, because documentation of their lives is so hard to come by, and I need them for research, and most of them have passed on, and the Internet is not helping. This hunt has led me to their families, however, and part of the fun is listening to their kin talk about them. Heritage work is part detective work, to be honest. Today, I visited the daughter of hotelier Obdulia Tangente, who turned out to be an old family friend from Bayawan! It was a pleasure to talk to Tita Owena and her husband.

* * *

I was in the doldrums in the early evening. Possibly because my mindscape is reeling from the afermath of a very busy month. Possibly because I’m tired, and I need to clean my apartment. Possibly because I got triggered by somebody's irritating response to a message I sent yesterday. Tried to get a massage. Didn’t help. Tried to eat sashimi. Didn’t help. I finally messaged the s.o.: “I’m depressed,” and in the middle of the evening, he went straight from home to where I was, to be with me, and to feed me ice cream. I feel better.


[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich