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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Friday, September 09, 2005

entry arrow3:23 PM | The Lovely Denial

I can tell myself tomorrow will not come, that all we will have in the lovely loop that will last lifetimes is the now. The word defines your presence, skin and smell I can touch, something I can take into the folds of my arms and call it the very reason for embracing. It defines, too, the constancy with which I find myself looking into your eyes every now and then and find in their deep brown soulfullness all memories we have since I first met you. All memories, yes, straight on to this, our last night. We can laugh how funny it is, to punctuate two years of you and me with a Friday. A Friday with a period, I say. You suggest a comma. We end up blowing away our fears with exclamations of laughter. Of course, we know there will be another week after this, a Monday to follow this weekend: but that will be a different country. I will be here, and you will be there, a sea between us. You tell me you will miss me, and I will say nothing, because I will not let go still. In the end, I know we will face the final punctuation, as we've said. I will insist on no periods, because there are beautiful promises in ellipses. Beyond that, I am very sure, there is you.

I'll see you soon, bubu.


[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich