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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

entry arrow8:57 PM | Madonna and the Futility of Not Remembering

I can't stop listening to this...

It's been blasting from my CD player all day. Like most people of my peculiar persuasion, I worship Madonna beyond all her transgressions in Swept Away or Body of Evidence. And I'm thinking, for vintage tarty Madonna, the only sure album to have is The Immaculate Collection, where you get all her classic early hits from "La Isla Bonita" to "Like a Virgin" to "Justify My Love." But for a meditative Madonna -- in a gentle, contemplative album that was really her audition for the role of Evita Peron -- you have to get Something to Remember, where you get the somber takes of "Take a Bow" to "You'll See" to "This Used to be My Playground." It's a perfect album, destined to be a classic. I haven't played it in years. And now I just can't seem to press the "stop" button.

Nor do I want to, if you have to ask me.

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