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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

entry arrow7:52 PM | For a Limited Time Only

... or: Once Upon a Halloween. I really shouldn't be posting these online, but what the hell, I too can make fun of myself once in a while. This was one Halloween when all was well and dandy. Mark came as a Dead Guy (I wanted him to dress up as Paris Hilton, but no go), and I came as Bella Flores.

The scariest thing may be this: those clothes are Mark's mom's clothes (she gleefully raided her closet to dress me up), and the makeup is courtesy of Love, Mark's sister, hehehe. And my brother Dennis -- the straightest arrow this side of the world who cannot even pronounce the name Gloria Gaynor without getting a headache -- drove us to the party. I think my makeup shook him up, hehehe.

This was all of us during those heavenly days when everything was well among friends, love-wise, and we used to party a lot in Laurie Raymundo's old front yard in Silliman Village. We all dared each other to wear a costume on Halloween, and I think I upped the ante more than anyone else. How typically theatrical of me. That's Laurie after diva ol' me, then Bing Valbuena, Mark, Aileen, Wendy from Canada, Margie, two others, and ... my God, I forget his name.

Expiration date for this post: three days. But really, ain't I the Vamp?

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