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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

entry arrow6:34 PM | Getting Personal

I've been reading the posts of the past few days, and it strikes me that I've been unnaturally candid about my life. Before, this blog used to read like a bulletin board for things Philippine literature. And now here I am airing out my tiny demons and angels, the personal peeking out and pronouncing its presence. What gives? The easiest thing to do is blame the weather. The rain of the past few days, for example, which followed in the heels of the blistering sun of the early summer. The change, like the metaphor, has been refreshing. I imagine what I'm doing must be exactly like the way the earth heaving a sigh of relief as it sizzles and turns to delightful mud as water from above quenches an old parchness. Mostly, it is just this: there is no use having a blog when you can't even write about the interesting misadventures of one's own life. Plus, I've been reading too many Rica Bolipata-Santos essays lately, and for once, I'm emboldened to say what I need to say.

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