This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.
Interested in What I Create?

The Great Little Hunter
Pinspired Philippines, 2022

The Boy The Girl
The Rat The Rabbit
and the Last Magic Days
Chapbook, 2018

Republic of Carnage:
Three Horror Stories
For the Way We Live Now
Chapbook, 2018

Bamboo Girls:
Stories and Poems
From a Forgotten Life
Ateneo de Naga University Press, 2018

Don't Tell Anyone:
Literary Smut
With Shakira Andrea Sison
Pride Press / Anvil Publishing, 2017

Cupful of Anger,
Bottle Full of Smoke:
The Stories of
Jose V. Montebon Jr.
Silliman Writers Series, 2017

First Sight of Snow
and Other Stories
Encounters Chapbook Series
Et Al Books, 2014

Celebration: An Anthology to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Silliman University National Writers Workshop
Sands and Coral, 2011-2013
Silliman University, 2013

Handulantaw: Celebrating 50 Years of Culture and the Arts in Silliman
Tao Foundation and Silliman University Cultural Affairs Committee, 2013

Inday Goes About Her Day
Locsin Books, 2012

Beautiful Accidents: Stories
University of the Philippines Press, 2011

Heartbreak & Magic: Stories of Fantasy and Horror
Anvil, 2011

Old Movies and Other Stories
National Commission for Culture
and the Arts, 2006

FutureShock Prose: An Anthology of Young Writers and New Literatures
Sands and Coral, 2003
Nominated for Best Anthology
2004 National Book Awards
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Sunday, September 07, 2008
11:17 AM |
Coming Soon Anthology Renews Call for Submission

Editors Conchitina Cruz, Edgar Samar, and Katrina Tuvera are pleased to announce the initial batch of accepted works for the
Coming Soon anthology. This list is in alphabetical order, by contributors' last names.
Road Trip
by Ian Rosales Casocot
by Mark Anthony Cayanan
by Daryll Jane Delgado
Liaison Manager
by Marguerite Alcarazen de Leon
by Caroline S. Hau
If I said I was drawn to the idea of the body
by Marie La ViƱa
F for Book Report
by R. Zamora Linmark
Some Facts You Remember from Ten Years Ago
by Sandra Nicole Roldan
Unang Tikim
by Joseph T. Salazar
by Christian Tablazon
Tres Pulgadas sa Ilalim ng Tuhod
by Mary Anne Umali
Two Questions
by L. Lacambra Ypil
The editors envision the
Coming Soon anthology as a choice selection of Philippine erotic literature. As such, the main considerations for selection were the following: (1) pieces should fit the theme of "losing virginity"; (2) works accepted should be of good quality in terms of insight, perspective and craft, and (3) the anthology as a whole should be balanced in its portrayal of sexual orientation, class and generational sensitivities.
Clearly the accepted works so far are not sufficient to complete an anthology that meets the above demands.
Hence, the editors are re-issuing the call for submissions to encourage more writers to submit new or revised pieces for consideration.The editors are renewing the call for submissions. Deadline is Sunday,
9 November 2008. Send to comingsoonantho(at)gmail(dot)com.
Coming Soon is an anthology of erotic poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction on the loss of virginity. The piece must specifically address a first (human, as opposed to something like bestial) sexual experience. The editors are looking for are pieces that depict an initiation into the sexual act, therefore we will not consider works that try to be coy: for instance, please don't send a piece on how some character/persona discovers there is such a thing as fornication, yet doesn't engage in it. They'd consider that a cop-out. Neither are they looking for pieces on giving one's self sexual pleasure. Works submitted should involve at least two conscious people (no corpses, please!), with an exchange of bodily fluids or whatnot. (If there is no exchange of bodily fluids, the work should address the question:
But why the heck not?)
Open to Philippine writers in English and Filipino. Past published works are welcome as long as they have not yet appeared in an anthology.
Labels: call for submissions, philippine literature
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