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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

entry arrow1:03 PM | Living It Up

It is a truth universally acknowledged, at least in private, that there is an inverse proportionality to blogging frequency and the offline lives we live: the more you seize every moment of your days, the less you blog. Everybody knows this.

Well, honey, I've been living it up so much these past few weeks -- and that's my perfect excuse for the sporadic posts here. There are times when I do think about musing, online, about my fabulous days, but I just can't bring myself to put them down in words. Kahit writer ako, I don't think I can describe, for example, that exact moment last night, in Gabby's, when Dessa leaned over to Colby, while she was regaling us with the story of how they met -- and there was this split second when she began to laugh over some detail that made the telling more than magical... Or even that fraction of a moment when Hendri took off his glasses with a slight frown while Annabelle and Jacqueline were talking about husbands over coffee in Cafe Mamia... Or that moment, during lunch at a karinderia, when Douglas reached out for Quddus's face to caress it... Or those few precious minutes when Moses twirled Kitty in an impromptu dance during her birthday party... Or when Patrick offered more wine over a sumptuous pasta meal... Gideon smiling in ecstacy... Sharon giggling while I made my debut as rhum coke tagay boy... Karl giggling with abandon while stuffing me with assorted aphrodisiacs... Kimberly and Rianne hitting it off, just as I planned... Joey jumping into the pool... Susan guffawing over a joke... Gerard in a clinch with Jasper... Claro taking off his cap to reveal his long hair... Hope singing a reggae song... Clee clicking away with his camera at everything that crossed his path... Arlene sending me text hugs from Singapore... Razcel smiling as he introduces Elle... Ceres presenting me with a bubbly for the New Year... Justine smiling over chicken inato... Clyde drinking another beer... Jean Claire dancing the night away in Hayahay... Sande offering me a toast of Weng-Weng... Warlito belting out one karaoke song after another, with me dancing the jig... Friends, friends, everywhere... They all have filled my days with so much energy, and love. Someday, I will write about what is happening, but only perhaps. Certainly not now. Words evade me. The lived moment is all I want for now.

Raz, you were right. The days to come will be beautiful.

Sinulog in Cebu! Taboan in Manila this February! (Guys, I'll be spending a week -- a week! -- in Manila! So, Patricia, dearest, we need to party...)

Right now, folks, permit me this excuse to party, and enjoy every ounce of living.

I'm off to the theater tonight for a play!
I hope to see you there.

[Last line deleted. Too soon for that info.]

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