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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

entry arrow9:31 PM | Francezca Kwe's Hunger

It has been a while since we last read anything from the marvelous Kit Kwe, whose historical fiction, tinged with the fantastic, always stirs literary envy in me. ("She's so young! And yet so brilliant and so mature in her writing!") That doesn't mean she hasn't been writing, however. She has been sending me a couple of her new stories that I think defy everything we've come to expect of her -- although I'm not sure whether she will ever go as far as submit those disturbing stories for publication. (But why not?) A new story from her is always a reason for celebration, given that she never really quickly warms up to the idea of publishing. But, in any case, here's a new Kit Kwe story from the pages of the August issue of Rogue Magazine:

My grandmother was a phenomenal cook, better than anyone in her generation of the family, or my mother’s, or mine. In fact, my mother and I could not cook an egg any better than chickens could fly, and that seemed the only thing that we shared in this wild, wearying world.

But my grandmother, as I’ve said, was a force in the kitchen. She cooked so much and so well that she had to open a canteen, else the food would overwhelm the entire household. But this was in the early fifties, right after the war, when everyone was so haunted by the ghost of lack that they ate even if they were not the least bit hungry.

Read the rest here. Better yet, buy the whole issue.

[art by yvonne quisumbing]

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