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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

entry arrow9:14 PM | Palanca! (Or is It Too Late?)

For many years since 2003, I usually made an issue of Literatura (now defunct) devoted to the winning works of the annual Palanca Awards.

This year, I missed out on that for some reason. (Okay, okay... I was too busy partying. Or perhaps becoming a Palanca judge this year kinda made me want to remove myself from the whole hoopla? I'm not sure. Perhaps it's also due to the fact that a writer kinda admonished me about my efforts, citing "the dangers of online plagiarism," and what not. That bummed me out for a while. Anyway, let's blame partying instead.)

Still, that did not stop many people from asking me when they could read the stuff. I told most of them I had no plans to put out a Palanca issue, much to their dismay. Besides, the Palanca already boasts of a website, and I was sure they would be putting out the works online soon.

But perhaps it's not too late to put out a version of that, eh? Let me see if I can get the winning writers to submit their stuff.

In the meantime, here's Sigfredo R. Inigo's "Home of the Sierra Madre", the first prize winner for the short story in English.

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