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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

entry arrow9:00 AM | Searching for Outstanding Dumagueteños

Twenty-five years ago, on 23 November 1998, sixteen individuals from all walks of life in Dumaguete City were recognized for their immense contributions to its history, culture, and heritage, in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the charter of Dumaguete. This was the first and [until this year] the only time such a recognition was undertaken by the LGU.

The programme for that recognition night at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium noted that “a span of fifty years is an indelible mark in [Dumaguete’s] history… an event we cannot ignore as a city and as a people.” It spoke of those fifty years as a time when Dumagueteños, as a people, “metamorphosed into a community of diverse talents, people desirous to break free from the clutches of economic difficulties, hopeful, patient, prayerful, peaceful, and persistent.”

The sixteen awardees of that Golden Anniversary celebration were divided into two categories: the Outstanding Dumagueteño Awardees, who were living recipients, and the Heritage Awardees, who were posthumous recipients—and all were chosen by the Awards Committee, led by Prof. Carlos Magtolis Jr., based on the criteria of personal qualities and character; demonstrated competence in their field and impact on the community; and professional or community involvement outside of their area of responsibility.

The Heritage Awardees included Canuto “Cate” V. Villariza, “for [being] the composer of ‘Dumaguete [Do You Hear Me Calling?],’ adopted as the official Dumaguete City Song in a Sangguniang Panglungsod Resolution dated January 1993”; Jose “Tatang” Garcia, “for [being] the doctor who rendered the best service to his country and to his people, with numerous residents of the city [becoming] recipients of his healing touch as he endeavored to uplift the quality of life of the people and the health care in hospitals”; Ma. Concepcion M. Roble, “for [being] the Dean of the [Silliman University] College of Nursing and Hospital Nursing Director, [who] nurtured her students into understanding the more humane aspects of nursing care, leaving behind her a brand of professionalism and commitment to service”; Vicente G. Sinco, “for [being] the founder and first President of Foundation University, [recognized] for his consuming vision and undaunted determination to reach out and provide the widest possible choice of career opportunities for the citizens of Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental”; Dioscoro S. Rabor, “for [being] known as ‘the living museum’ and ‘the bird man of the Philippines,’ and is best remembered in Dumaguete for his pioneering work with birds and mammals, prompting Silliman University to confer on him an honorary doctorate degree in Science”; Martin “Ting” Matiao, “for [opening] trade opportunities through his copra trading, and [for putting] up a transport business which facilitated the mobility of Dumagueteños, thereby easing travel within the island, [thus] because of his dedication to community service, he helped many families' dreams come true, and touched countless lives”; and Ramon Fernandez Ponce de Leon, “for [founding] the Philippine Red Cross Dumaguete City Chapter, where he was chair for more than forty years, performing exemplary service as medical director of the then Mission Hospital during the war, unmindful of the threats on lives posed by the Japanese invaders.”

The Outstanding Dumagueteño Awardees included Mariant Escaño Villegas for her contribution to arts and culture “as founder of MEV Dance Studio, where she provided the standard of excellence in classical ballet, placing Dumaguete in the art and culture map of the country”; Obdulia S. Tangente, for her contribution to civic affairs and “for her deep commitment to uplift the status of the less privileged, [which] prompted her to actively get involved with more meaningful activities of various socio-civic organizations”; Agapito L. Cang, for his contribution to economic development and “for being a truly homegrown Christian businessman, who lived his faith in his dealings with family, customers, employees, and friends”; Caridad Aldecoa-Rodriguez, for her contribution to education and “for pioneering the writing of the history of Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental and [providing] the present and future generations a clearer understanding of our past as a people”; Justice Venancio D. Aldecoa Jr., for his contribution to government service and “for [bringing] pride and joy to the community by being the first Justice of the Appellate Court coming from Dumaguete City, and observing the highest essence of integrity and morality in public service”; Angel C. Alcala, for his contribution to science and technology and “for [bringing] prestige and honor to Dumaguete City by being recognized as an international expert in marine biology, earning him the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award, and a seat in the cabinet of the President of the country”; Dionisio “Bob” R. Flores, for his contribution to sports and athletics and “for [making] an indelible contribution in the development of local athletes for them to reach national and international competitions, earning for them and for the city honor and glory for striving to reach the excellence in sports, particularly archery”; and Norma C. Ybañez, for her contribution to women and development and “for [helping] a great deal in stirring the consciousness of this community toward gender sensitivity, and the protection of women and children against domestic violence.”

Senator Lorenzo G. Teves was the recipient of a Special Golden Anniversary Award for “sponsoring the law which converted Dumaguete into a chartered city on 24 November 1948.”

The then living recipients and the families of the posthumous awardees were celebrated by then City Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo.

This year, in time for Dumaguete’s Diamond Jubilee celebration of its city charter, Mayor Remollo once again helms the awards ceremony, slated on 23 November 2024—this time widening the net for consideration, and honoring 75 individuals and institutions—the number taking note of the 75th anniversary—who have, over the years, contributed to the greatness and progress of Dumaguete City.

The Diamond Jubilee Awards Committee is led by Atty. Mikhail Lee L. Maxino, with Vice-Chairs Dr. Earl Jude Paul Cleope [Silliman University], Dr. Noel Marjon E. Yasi [Negros Oriental State University], Dr. Charlotte V. Cariño [Foundation University], Sr. Helen Malubay, SPC [St. Paul University Dumaguete], and Dr. Juditha O. Mapue [Department of Education Dumaguete City Division]. Diamond Jubilee Executive Chair Dr. Dinno T. Depositario and Executive Vice-Chairs Ms. Katherine Therese N. Aguilar and Asst. Prof. Ian Rosales Casocot are ex-officio members of the committee.

They will select fifteen individuals and/or institutions to fall under the following categories: LEADERS AND STATESPERSONS [which includes politicians, diplomats, revolutionaries, community leaders, and civic reform leaders]; ARTISTS AND ENTERTAINERS [which includes literary writers, translators, painters and sculptors, designers and illustrators, dancers and choreographers, musicians and composers, actors, directors, filmmakers, singers and other performers, architects, fashion designers, game designers, gallerists, culinary artists, librarians, and culture and heritage workers]; BUILDERS AND TITANS [which includes businessmen, moguls, founders and creators and innovators of industry, labor leaders, and sports leaders]; SCIENTISTS AND THINKERS [which includes pure scientists and researchers, environmentalists, mathematicians, medical technologists, inventors, philosophers, anthropologists, sociologists, and historians]; and HEROES AND ICONS [which includes war veterans, athletes and sports personalities, clergy and evangelists and missionaries, community reformers, human rights and other social advocates, educators, farmers, and people of singular and unclassifiable achievements and renown]. The categories is for the sake of balance in the fields of specialization or area of responsibility, but the Awards Committee is free to interpret and to designate what category a nominee will fall into.

The nominees for the award must have brought honor and prestige to the City of Dumaguete through outstanding performance in one’s field of specialization or area of responsibility; unquestioned integrity; and exemplary lifestyle and conduct as evidenced by the respect and high regard of family, friends, associates, and the general public. The nominees need not be born in Dumaguete City, but they must have spent a considerable number of years in residence in the city, or have spent a good portion of their professional lives in the city. Post-humous nominations are accepted.

The deadline for nominations is 31 July 2024.

The nomination portfolio can be obtained from the Dumaguete City Tourism Office at the City Hall Compound along Calle Sta. Catalina, or requested via email at visitdumaguetecity@gmail.com. Nomination portfolios may be submitted via email.

The nomination portfolio must also include a consent form to be accomplished by living nominees for their names to be considered for the nomination. [Post-humous nominations require a consent form from the family of the deceased.] If there is no consent, the nomination will be withdrawn. All parts of the nomination portfolio must be completed.

The Awards Committee reserves the right to refuse a nomination based on incomplete forms. It also retains the right to consider individuals not nominated in the public call. Individuals nominated by members of the committee need not have nomination forms, but the Secretariat will endeavor to complete the same requirement in behalf of the committee.

A shortlist of 150 potential awardees will be considered by August 2024. From that shortlist, the Awards Committee will make the final list of 75 awardees before 1 October 2024. The announcement of the 75 Outstanding Dumagueteño Awardees will be posted by LGU Dumaguete on 1 October 2024.

All living awardees must be present on the awarding day, set on 23 November 2024, to be able to receive their award, except for those with compelling reasons not to be present. They will be given a medallion, a plaque, and P10,000, plus other special awards to be determined by LGU Dumaguete. The decision of the Awards Committee will be final, and sent to the Dumaguete City Mayor for approval.

Who will join the sixteen individuals honored in 1998?

Send in your nominations now.

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