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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Monday, July 04, 2005

entry arrow11:47 AM | The Disappeared

Where, O Haloscan, art thou? I'm asking my techie angel, Clee, to have a look-see. The usual pitfalls of html tweaking ... But what can I do? I easily get bored with the look of my blog, and I have a compulsion to keep changing it. On another front, I'm well again. I think. And people I know keep disappearing from blogosphere, too. Where's Naya, for example? And Gelo? Where's Peachy? And Kit? And Carlomar? And Easy? And Rome? And Niccolo? Where, like mayas, do blogs go to die?

Update. Clee says my new template is not compatible with the Haloscan code. That's why it's playing hide and seek with me. Ayayayay. Oh, well. There goes the comments. And no one can force me to change this template, at least for the next three months. Then again, there's always Tagboard, yes? Just scroll down and drop me a line.

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