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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

entry arrow10:21 PM | New Story

I had no idea I would finish writing a short story today. It must have been the lunch with Lakambini Sitoy that did it, to prod me to do some fiction today, I mean. (Bing has that strange effect on me all the time.) We both had Thai-style grilled stuffed squid in Don Atilano, and we were catching up on many things -- including our plans for the rest of the year, as well as our shared "bondage" of teaching. (She's teaching in the local state university...) Tonight, I meant to clean the pad, with plans to finish checking some student papers later, but in a bout of procrastination tango I started reading snippets of a short story I started last week for LitCritters Dumaguete's newest writing challenge, and I found myself just wanting to finish it, by any means I could, because I felt a sudden urge to do so. (Urges like that you don't ignore, especially if you are serious about your writing. You just drop everything and race home to your computer, if you can.) And I did finish it. My fifth story for the year. (Whoa. For someone who used to average one story per year, that's a big improvement. I have the LitCritters to thank for this, as usual.) Now, the question remains: is the story funny enough to be considered humorous? Does Ian Rosales Casocot have a sense of humor? Let's find out soon. My first reader is currently taking a crack at it. And he's usually merciless. (Ack!)

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