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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

entry arrow6:46 PM | Office Reboot

Spent the entire afternoon today right after my Playwriting Workshop cleaning my office at the English Department. It has been a while since I entered that once promising cavern, preferring to spend work time in a cafe somewhere where there's reliable wifi, and air-conditioning, and of course coffee. The last time I used my office was early last year -- until an army of termites invaded it and it took a long while for General Services to come and treat everything; all the while, precious Creative Writing Center files were disappearing into termite hell. When I saw that last year, I was like, "Uggh, I'm outta here." This year though, termite treatment finally over, I decided to come back and clean up everything. It took three hours to clear the dust and the frass, and to put everything -- folders, books, etc. -- into the right places. But it's all done -- and it feels like I've gotten a new lease on work life quality.

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