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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

entry arrow7:33 AM | What Kids Say

It is interesting to hear kids of varying ages explain things we think are beyond their ken, because they can surprise us with their unanchored insights, and they can tell us a lot about how we come to shape our perspectives on things. So here's a bunch of videos where kids confront gay reality...

In Kimmel, they are asked about same-sex marriage...

In this Kids React video, a bunch of kids are shown viral videos about gay couples in various proposals for marriage...

In this Team Angelica short, a bunch of kids from same-sex families reveal what life is like in their kind of families...

And you can tell, from the first video, that that one kid who is openly anti-gay, when asks why he feels being gay is bad, is approaching what is truthful when he is: "I don't know." Where do you think he gets the idea of gayness being bad? From the adults around him. And the same goes for the kids who thinks there is nothing wrong with being gay: their perspectives are shaped by the people around them. To love or to hate, it's a contagious thing.

To choose love, it's the kindest and most courageous thing.


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