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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Wednesday, May 04, 2022

entry arrow8:21 AM | Emotional

A strangely emotional day for many reasons:

[1] An unexpected turning point in a beloved's life.

[2] Lowkey anxiety to start the day with.

[3] A book signing event for a local memoirist who wrote about life during the Martial Law -- and I found myself voicing out at length and with unexpected passion about Marcos, politics, and historical revisionism. This was the first time I've ever done this, off the cuff.

[4] A letter from an old classmate who has been going through a lot lately. She was diagnosed with being bipolar years ago, and is now the caregiver for an ailing parent. She asked me to write her a eulogy, while she was still alive and can read what others can say about her. She recently got out of a terrible depression, and she just wanted to know how she has mattered in the lives of others. She knew I have ADHD, and she thought I'd be one who could best understand where she was coming from. I read her request to my s.o. after dinner, and I unexpectedly burst into tears. Mental health struggles are an invisible wound, and I realize that sometimes we just want to be seen.

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