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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

entry arrow1:20 PM | And Suddenly, Summer

There are certainly winter chills in China now, and elsewhere, the cold has just began to wreck havoc on the coldest month of the year -- but suddenly the first day of summer has arrived in Dumaguete. I was leaving the Audio Visual Theater after Myrna Pena-Reyes' most insightful lecture this morning on the writing and reading of modern poetry, when I sensed something both different and familiar: I felt the sun tripping on my skin in that most gentle of nipping absent for most of the year, but becomes a cocoon of sorts at the height of Maytime. I'm not talking about your regular, ordinary hot day where the sun is merely content with its ruthless campaign to burn everything: the sun becomes poetry during summer days in Dumaguete, and its shine has its own flavor only the true native can discern: the heat is of an underwhelming sort, something that comes as an embrace rather than an oppression; there is a certain stillness everywhere that engulfs -- but not entirely devours -- everybody into a sweet kind of narcolepsy; and the slant of the sunlight on everything gives the whole city a sepia glow. Today is the first day of such manifestations. And I think: what a great day to be alive, in Dumaguete, with that promise of summer just around the bend.

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