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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

entry arrow9:08 PM | The Star

Three days ago, Arthur C. Clarke left for the stars. If you have read his brilliant short story "The Star," you will know that the story is a kind of shorthand for many of the themes in his fiction, particularly of the spiritual sort. "The Star" is about an astronaut/theologian who ventures off with a space crew deep into the cosmos to probe the remains of an exploded star. He soon stumbles on an extinguished civilization on one of the planets in that solar system, and discovers an faith-shattering evidence of Biblical resonance.

A star 7.5 billion light years away exploded, giving off the brightest gamma-ray burst afterglow ever seen.

Yesterday, earthlings (well, at least NASA people) saw a star from 7.5 billion light years away explode: it was bright enough, the news reported, that anybody on earth could see it with the naked eye.

Clarke. Death. Exploded star. More than cosmic coincidence, methinks.

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