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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

entry arrow9:21 PM | Annotations of the Now

I realize that I am blissfully unaffected by so many things now -- especially venality from some who have no idea about things (or people) they only see online. (I mean, seriously? You think those are real? Bwahahaha! They have noooooo idea what they're talking about. I'm going to let this rest with a snicker.)

I Facebooked last night that perhaps I've been partied out. Perhaps it was the rain, and I was tired. But I've been partying almost every single night since the beginning of December, not that I actively seek out these things. I don't. But there seems to be no stopping this barrage of invitations and happenings. I go because I just feel I need to live in the moment. I'm letting my Id take over things for a while now, after years of crippling reign by Ego. (I had to -- or else suffer the wraths.) I find that there is always a well-spring of inner energy that surprises even me. Last night, Razcel's pizza party turned into a mini-rave. Guess what time I came home. Tonight, I just came from another party, at Betty's. This one of a grown-up, sit-down sort, al fresco, in Betty's magnificent courtyard. Totally different. I was talking history and writing books with a fellow guest (a former professor of mine) seated at the same table as me. Kaiba naman. Pang-intellectual. And then tomorrow night, there's Belle's movie party at Gabby's. Am I really partied out? 'Di pa dagway. As long as there's good music and great company, this boy will fly.


[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich