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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Monday, July 09, 2018

entry arrow11:25 PM | What It's Like to be Loved

I was hungry, I was tired. My film class had gone on from 2 PM and ended around 7 PM -- the film of our choosing being 2 hours and 4 minutes long, which followed a short film that lasted 36 minutes. After class, I found myself in a cafe, still working, about to spiral -- and you suddenly appeared beside me, a welcome sight on a Monday night, very much like a balm to every conceivable existential pain. You took me to dinner at Bricks Hotel, where we met local young artists and the very personable owner of the hotel, who gave us free dessert. [That was nice.] You took me for a stroll along the Boulevard right after, where we beheld the calm sea and also a flying drone taking pictures. And then you took me to Why Not for a cone of ice cream each, which we happily licked away while walking. And as we spent away the evening hours, it occurred to me like a lovely thought blossoming that this must be how it feels like to be loved. To be in someone's constant company, and cherishing the generosity of his presence.

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