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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

entry arrow8:46 AM | Rest

Only now am I recognizing the value of rest. I make myself take Mondays and Tuesdays off; they’re my weekends now since I know my Saturdays and Sundays are filled to the brim with people and activities. This means devoting myself to seclusion, to being totally by myself, enough to sustain the easily bruised introvert within. Usually by Wednesday, I find myself with renewed energy, with plenty of ideas brewing. Given how I throw myself like a maniac on projects, I was recently and terribly burnt out by a decade of nonstop work — no sabbatical! — exacerbated by the wildness of the pandemic. I didn’t believe in rest, pre-pandemic. Now I know that the only way to be more productive, and to be more helpful to other people, is to find ways to help oneself first and foremost. [This also means learning to be blunt about expectations, but that’s another story.]

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