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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

entry arrow10:34 AM | Tits and the Preacher Man

You know, of course, how they joke about many fundamentalists's all-too-obsessive regard of "immorality" (especially in matters of sexuality). It's quite unhealthy. What's more, it can be taken to be a perfect reflection of their own secret depravities -- hidden carnalities they try to exorcise by jumping on anyone and everyone, and tearing them apart in full righteous mode. So here's this one young preacher dude talking about the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, and then -- in perfect Freudian slip -- reveals the obsession that lies beneath his blond hair...

There you go, tit-man. I mean, "pinching his tits" for "pitching his tents"? Yay. That's gotta be worth three sessions with a shrink. Funny how he makes mention of two things in the end: First, "I hope this isn't on videotape... I have no job now." Whoops! There goes YouTube for you. And second, "What I'm saying is... sometimes... God has to be filled with justice." And to that, I say, "Amen. You sure got it, moralist."

Spread the video to the world!

[swiped from gibbs cadiz]

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