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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

entry arrow9:06 PM | A Few Days Early

In a few days, I will be celebrating the fifth anniversary of my 28th birthday. I used to dread this particular week, been dreading it since I turned 25 years ago, and suddenly realized, like a punch to my stomach, that I had lived a quarter of a century already but there was not much I could show for a life well-lived. I'd succumb to a cliche, and mope around, find a place to be a hermit for a few days, until the whole dreaded prospect of celebrating another year of turning older has cleared, and nobody has to greet me anymore a half-hearted "Happy Birthday!" followed by the inevitable query of "Where's the party?" (My answer: "I thought you were planning to surprise me.") But now I couldn't care less. Now, I don't even have time to mope. I'm still convinced my life is largely incomplete -- but here suddenly comes wisdom: what can one do, really, but roll with the years, and grab whatever it is that comes your way? Life is too random. The ancients were wise: the best way to make God laugh is to make a plan. I've been quite a schemer most of my young life, and less than half of the fancies I've made ever got realized. So here's a cheer to randomness. Here's a cheer to unfulfilled dreams, but not plans. Here's a cheer to the number 28, and how good it sounds mixed with the gaiety of winking denial.


[0] This is Where You Bite the Sandwich