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This is the blog of Ian Rosales Casocot. Filipino writer. Sometime academic. Former backpacker. Twink bait. Hamster lover.

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Friday, May 20, 2022

entry arrow11:33 AM | Say Yes to All That

It has been a few weeks since the last episode of Julia [the TV show about television chef and author Julia Child] aired. But this line, from her husband Paul, has stayed with me. It's from the last episode where we see Julia going through a great existential crisis triggered by an ungracious comment by Betty Friedan. I can’t get Paul's line out of my head, and I’ve even shared it with my s.o. since as my new battlecry. 

Sometimes we get distracted from the valuable work that we do because of flippant remarks we get, especially from unlikely sources. Sometimes there is an urge to just give up, perhaps in a bid for self-preservation. But no longer. I feel a change in me that is angrier but also more resolute. And to all these new, fantastic opportunities I used to shy away from? I say yes to all that. It will be a life.

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